In today’s fast fashion fad world of floral shirts and colossally oversized chinos, one can’t help but hearken back to days of yore, when fashion and manner were more respectable. In a different time, the suitably dressed gentleman needed only to pull his wool evening tail coat over a double breasted suit, set his stiffened collar high, and plunk his top hat on before gallivanting about town for an evening's enjoyment at a box social hosted by Lord Withersworth, Duke of Essington and Earl of Her Majesty’s East Trans-Jordan Territory. Sadly, this over complex, but all concealing manner of men’s fashion has, much like Trans-Jordan, disappeared.
What has replaced it in this contemporary era is something that confounds and irritates most rational men. No longer is fashion a matter of throwing on your waistcoat, short-tailed jacket, and riding hat. Instead, the fashion itself must be all encompassing, embracing every minute detail of ones life. Enter stage left; the “metrosexual.”
The term metrosexual was apparently coined by author and columnist Mark Simpson in 1994. The term has evolved to cover all men who are “fashion and appearance conscious”, “stylish”, “secure”, and “confident”. When such a catchy title appeared, closet metros burst forth from every crevice, and the media was simply smitten with the term. Soon after this bothersome play on words surfaced, sales of 3 in 1 conditioner skyrocketed, the silk shirt industry boomed, and sensibly clad men everywhere began exchanging their comfortable and durable all purpose plaid for designer brand apparel.
Over the years, this quasi-homo fad hasn’t faded. Indeed, it has gained strength and intensity, overcoming several dozen millennia worth of masculine male evolution. Pragmatically constructed men who could very well be swinging an axe or driving a vehicle with more than 17 wheels instead choose to shop at The Gap and sip Tall Decaff Mocha Frapachino Americanas. Undeniably, this is an infliction on modern society, one that hasn’t been quelled in the slightest by the existence of ludicrously violent Mel Gibson movies, or the continued bulky presence of Chuck Norris.
Sadly, even as we struggled to get a grip on the new metrosexual craze, another unbearably frustrating term arose, rurosexual. This is used to describe a small town country boy who exhibits the standard metrosexual signs, but still “keeps a pair of riding boots in the cupboard.” Which is to say that he may, or may not partake in certain activities with a certain equestrian mammal. The observant spectators among us have long since noticed this rurosexual fad has slipped into the most manly of our society’s institutions. Country music, for example, has recently fallen ill to this infirmity. Stars with otherwise mannish 157 gallon hats and stalwart names like Paul Brandt and Keith Urban can be seen adorned with flaky getups and spiked hair.
No doubt feeling the need to strike back, an unknown non-metro, non-ruro fellow coined the term retrosexual, to describe an ‘old fashion guy’(that is, a male human who was assembled before 1994). Those lucid among us quickly saw this abomination in syntax and common reasoning as only adding to the problem, and quickly lynched the author. His writings, constructs, and indeed his very identity have since rightly been destroyed, in hopes that the term retrosexual will not catch on.
So what can be done about this incommodious trend? Well first off, we should realize that, despite the “modern”, “enlightened” metrosexual claims, it is not a new fad. Terms like "prissy" and "dandy" were invented long ago to describe those practically gay among us. Indeed, I expect that with the rise of metrosexuality, we will see an increase in the use of classic maxims like “look at that prissy” and “yeah, he’s a real dandy boy”. Looking at times past, we should realize that 400 years ago the average fellow could be spotted wearing skin tight leggings, bulbous shirts, and copious amounts of make-up, just like the modern day peculiarity, Ricky Martin. Furthermore, we must understand that in a caring, just, and lawful society, it is unlikely that a legal ban on “Old Navy” and “L’Oreal for Men products” will ever be put in place. Thus, our only action can be that of self preservation.
To avoid being tainted by metrosexuality, be sure to take the following steps: Keep your selection of footwear down to an old pair of sneakers and twelve pairs of steel toed boots. Watch Chuck Norris’ “Walker: Texas Ranger” at least 5 times a week. Make sure your bathroom contains no more than the following items: one bar of industrial strength soap, one tooth brush(optional in England), and one stick of deodorant(optional in France). Sustain yourself only on Crazy Ed's Cave Creek Chili Beer and Kraft Dinner. Finally, wear just old torn plaid t-shirts and oil stained jeans.
With these steps taken, you may rest assured that not only will you not be mistaken for a metrosexual, you will most likely be recognized as something other than human.
Don't you like "Da Look" of the East Bloc elitists? But then what would I know. I'm an axe-swinging, 18 wheel driv'n, plaid wearing, knuckle dragg'n Westerner. And dam proud of it! It takes three dogs to bark at me!
"quasi-homo fad?"
That's where I stopped reading.
Oh come now dawg, its a schtick, complete humor through and through.
Believe it or not, if you read two posts down, we aren't in fact nazi's.
Nor, besides what was said here (http://cjunk.blogspot.com/2005/09/even-better-than-real-thing.html), am I a Probst-a-phobe, nor do I actually believe Paris Hilton to be the worlds skankiest whore.
I had no idea my humor was so cutting edge that it could turn away people in disgust. Surely your Calvin Kline slim fit cords are a tad too tight today? :)
Besides, how can you be sure I wasn't refering to dairy products, or the abriviation for the human genus? :)
Dawg is obviously an overly-sensitive "metro-quasi-homo" himself. Anyone that politically correct shouldn't be reading conservative blogs - even moderately conservative ones.
Oh, and don't trash Old Navy. I buy alot of my shit there. Many of their styles are really quite conservative and fit for everyday knuckle-draggers like myself. The company saves all the really trendy girly-boy stuff for it's flagship Gap stores.
Fun post! I spent almost 10 years working around lumber mills with your everyday steel boot wearer - it was always amusing to see the big boys come in from Portland or Seattle all dressed the same in tight sweaters and overly conscious of getting dirty.
Darcey: What the hell is that bare-ass style in your pic.... arsosexual? pinkosexual? freezingmyarsoffsexual?
Looks like the contestants from "Villiage People Idol".....
LOL.... too funny! I guess some of us might even pass as a girl!
Fun post! I spent almost 10 years working around lumber mills with your everyday steel boot wearer - it was always amusing to see the big boys come in from Portland or Seattle all dressed the same in tight sweaters and overly conscious of getting dirty.
Dawg is obviously an overly-sensitive "metro-quasi-homo" himself. Anyone that politically correct shouldn't be reading conservative blogs - even moderately conservative ones.
Oh, and don't trash Old Navy. I buy alot of my shit there. Many of their styles are really quite conservative and fit for everyday knuckle-draggers like myself. The company saves all the really trendy girly-boy stuff for it's flagship Gap stores.
F*ing hiliarious! I'm glad there werent any beverages even close to my computer while reading this post!
Oh come now dawg, its a schtick, complete humor through and through.
Believe it or not, if you read two posts down, we aren't in fact nazi's.
Nor, besides what was said here (http://cjunk.blogspot.com/2005/09/even-better-than-real-thing.html), am I a Probst-a-phobe, nor do I actually believe Paris Hilton to be the worlds skankiest whore.
I had no idea my humor was so cutting edge that it could turn away people in disgust. Surely your Calvin Kline slim fit cords are a tad too tight today? :)
Besides, how can you be sure I wasn't refering to dairy products, or the abriviation for the human genus? :)
Dawg - I dont blame you, I quit reading there too. Until I stopped laughing & continued reading again.
Junker - what is the full name for the human genus? Isnt it Homo Erectus? haha
Aizlynne - Sorry to laugh at your child's discomfort, but that is funny. I sure hope he didnt try to "metrolize" the more sensitive parts of his body.
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